martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

[fmdx] Band II Sporadic E Loggings for 27 May 2014


Hi All,

A very exiting evening! The Es opening seemed to be just another teaser, with only very few weak signals at the bottom of Band II. Until suddenly some very distant Moroccan / Western Sahara stations made an appearance.
Never before did I have three stations at 2500+ km distance in one opening. Never before did I have something from AOE. Great stuff!

And shortly after this, Olivier Guillaume had some time to do the last bits and pieces to get my Sony modification up and running. Which was a complete succes.
A big big thank you to Olivier, who did a great job with enhancing the software functionality. With even more good stuff to come.

I think it has been my Onkyo tuner that produced this grande finale in style. A great tuner indeed, that has never let me down the past 25 or so years.

Best regards,
Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands.

Tuesday 27 May 2014
Band II Sporadic E Loggings:
MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details km
87.70 1637 POR RDP Antena 1, Serra do Mendro (bej) 1808km

88.10 1649 E Onda Cero, Chinchilla de Monte Arag���ón (CAM-AB) 1539km
88.20 1658 MRC SNRT Al Ida���â Al-Watania, Tata (ges) // web stream 2687km
88.20 1709 E RNE Radio 5 Todo Noticias, C���áceres/Cerro de Cabeza Rubia (EXT-CC) 1633km
88.20 1714 MRC Medradio, Casablanca/Merchiche (gcb) 2285km
88.20 1715 E Radio Vida, Montijo (EXT-BA) PI: 5179, PS: RADIO___ VIDA____ MONTIJO_1695km
88.30 1658 AOE SNRT Al Ida���â Al-Watania, Gueltat Zemmour (lbs-bod) // web stream 3314km
88.50 1657 MRC SNRT Al Ida���â Al-Watania, Assa (ges) // web stream 2852km

89.50 1707 E Onda Cero, C���áceres/Sierra de Portanchito (EXT-CC) Voice ID 1631km
89.60 1702 MRC Hit Radio, Tafraoute (smd) // web stream 2719km
89.60 1723 POR RFM, Faro/S���ão Miguel-Goldra (agv) 1923km
89.70 1638 MRC UNID, ? PS: SNRT-AMZ

92.50 1716 MRC Atlantic Radio, Casablanca/Merchiche (gcb) 2285km

93.00 1644 POR R���ádio Castrense, Castro Verde (bej) 1874km

95.30 1720 MRC SNRT Al Ida���â Al Amazighia, Casablanca/Merchiche (gcb) 2285km

96.00 1719 MRC SNRT Al Ida���â Al-Watania, Casablanca/Merchiche (gcb) 2285km

99.20 1717 MRC Luxe Radio, Casablanca/Merchiche (gcb) 2285km
99.60 1717 MRC M���édi 1, Casablanca/Merchiche (gcb) 2285km

FM15.11 (H), height 11 meter above ground level = 7 meter asl
Onkyo T-4970
Conrad RDS Manager
RDSSpy V1.00 r2


Enviado por: Janpeter van Dijk <>
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