RDS Spy Report * Freeware Windows RDS Decoder * http://www.rdsspy.com
Frequency : 98,0 MHz
Created : 2016/03/25 15:25:36
Receiving since : 2016/03/25 15:25:14
Best BER : 21 %
---/ Program \-----------------------------------------------------------------
PI = 2201 (Outstanding)
TP = 0 TA = 0
M/S = 0
DI = 0
PTY = None / None (0)
Local Time =
UTC Time =
Time Error =
PS History:
PTY History:
15:25:14: None / None (0)
---/ Radiotext \---------------------------------------------------------------
RT A/0 = VOUS____________CHAINE 1________________________________________
RT B/1 = ______COUTEZ LA ________________________________________________
RT Flag = 1
RT Plus:
Tag 1 = Tag 1 =
Tag 2 = Tag 2 =
Raw Data = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
RT History:
---/ Alternative Frequencies \-------------------------------------------------
AF Method A:
#5, 98,0 MHz, 91,0 MHz, 98,9 MHz, 90,2 MHz, 101,8 MHz
AF Method B:
---/ EON \---------------------------------------------------------------------
EON 1: PI =
PS =
TP = TA =
PTY = ()
EON 2: PI =
PS =
TP = TA =
PTY = ()
EON 3: PI =
PS =
TP = TA =
PTY = ()
EON 4: PI =
PS =
TP = TA =
PTY = ()
---/ Group Statistics \--------------------------------------------------------
Group Proportion:
0A = 80,0 % (1 of 1,3)
0B = 0,0 %
1A = 0,0 %
1B = 0,0 %
2A = 20,0 % (1 of 5,0)
2B = 0,0 %
3A = 0,0 %
3B = 0,0 %
4A = 0,0 %
4B = 0,0 %
5A = 0,0 %
5B = 0,0 %
6A = 0,0 %
6B = 0,0 %
7A = 0,0 %
7B = 0,0 %
8A = 0,0 %
8B = 0,0 %
9A = 0,0 %
9B = 0,0 %
10A = 0,0 %
10B = 0,0 %
11A = 0,0 %
11B = 0,0 %
12A = 0,0 %
12B = 0,0 %
13A = 0,0 %
13B = 0,0 %
14A = 0,0 %
14B = 0,0 %
15A = 0,0 %
15B = 0,0 %
Group Sequence:
0A 0A -- 2A -- 0A -- -- -- -- 0A -- 0A -- -- 2A -- 0A 0A 2A 0A 0A --
---/ ODA AID \-----------------------------------------------------------------
ODA 1: AID =
Proportion =
App. Group =
ODA 2: AID =
Proportion =
App. Group =
ODA 3: AID =
Proportion =
App. Group =
---[ END ]---------------------------------------------------------------------
98.0 Chaine 1 from Chréa has RDS.
PI: 2201
AF: 98,0 MHz, 91,0 MHz, 98,9 MHz, 90,2 MHz, 101,8 MHz
If you want download the SDR file you can do it until the 31st March in
or http://we.tl/eRWnFWYQjj
Recorded with HDSDR software.
Majorca - Spain
Enviado por: Miquel Nicolau Amer <miquelnicolauamer@gmail.com>
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